Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Morning

 Sunday Morning

I've always heard my fellow actors worry, as they come to the end of a job, if they'll ever work again. I suppose I've felt that trepidation at different times also. What I know now, at this point in my 30 year career, is that every opportunity is priceless and absolutely unique. I know that there are no guarantees about that next gig no matter who reminds you that 'you work all the time!' I supposed I'm a little (or maybe a lot) worried today because, once again, as I look down the road I have no real idea of what I'll be doing - nothing tangible, nothing guaranteed. Yet, as I stop to pause, I realize that none of us really knows what's down the road. None of us! And though some may have a clearer idea than I do, I refuse to be consumed by fear and trepidation on this SUNDAY MORNING. Why? Because it's Sunday Morning, and today I'm choosing to be filled with God's Grace; today I'm choosing to be grateful for the job that I DO have; today I choose to be thankful and relish in the blessings that have been gifted to me. I have two amazing teenagers who fill my world with joy. I have the love of a wonderful woman who has my back. I have the gift of creativity that God gave me. I have my health, and yes - I still have a job - I get to go onstage later and spit HOLY WORDS written by one of God's Messengers.  Today, I have it all.

This Sunday morning - I am the most blessed man in the world!


  1. You are an inspiration! I will be looking forward to your future posts.

  2. I appreciate it, Molie. The distance we've covered in two years.
