Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Love Letter To My Children

Know, my children, that this never gets easier
Never gets easy
Never gets comfortable
Never for me - your father

I remember those days of old
When you knew few words
When everyday was filled with discovery made brighter by your smiles
When it was beyond my wildest dreams
When it was profoundly unfathomable
That this reality would become our life
On a regular
Would become our norm
When even a few days away would leave my heart so empty
So sad
So Alone
To be away from you
That it would skip to an irregular cadence

Those were the days when you would comfort my sad eyes
With airport  hugs that left me longing for the smell of your perfect necks
And those eyes that gently looked at me in wonder
That said, 'Why are you sad, daddy?'

It never got easy.
And I was always disappointed that I wasn't stronger
That it would be you who would have to comfort me
And each time I would promise myself that this time would be different


Broken promises

And Years later

Broken promises

And Years later

This heart still skips to an irregular cadence whenever I have to say 'goodbye' to you

My children
My breath
My light

 .... Papa @MSP Airport