Monday, August 27, 2012

That Bridge

Okay world, HERE GOES.

I'm new to this world of blogging and, even though I've planned to do this for a while, it just hasn't been the right time. To tell the truth, I still don't know if it's the right time. From someone who is very private with... well... private stuff, it's a huge leap to share my... private stuff. Of course I'm thinking to myself, 'well then share stuff that's not so private. What do you want to say? Why? Who's it for? Get out of your comfort zone. Connect with others. Stop procrastinating.' Um... yeah.

So I'll go slow and be simple and hope that my offerings will speak to someone out there who reads this.

I went to that bridge
I really did.
And started to walk across.
I stopped
And thought
And looked
For an answer to a world that had landed on my head
For a reflection that would say my name
For a song that would straighten my back
And girder my voice
And entomb the dark ashes
That skidded down
Stopping, only for a moment,  on that high cheekbone ledge.
My face
Lost eyes
Empty hands that had forgotten their hue.

I went to the bridge
That bridge
That door
And Midway I stopped
And looked behind
For an answer
To this song with no music
Looked to the sky
For that bird
Looked to the water for a mermaid
A siren
Another world
Where I could be
Where I could simply be
At rest

And in that murky
December water
With voices underneath that would be trapped till Spring
I stole the briefest glimpse
Of a man
This man
Oh, man
Still standing

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